Monday, 16 February 2009

"human existence as a process of perpetual falling"

Kerry Skarbakka is an American artist whose photographs are incredibly cinematic. The photographs show the artist falling in various contexts, often at the moment before impact or at the moment of no return. Bas Jan Ader comes to mind when first seeing them, both retaining references to slapstick and conversly being quite macabre.

In his own words, he
'questions ... the nature of control and its effects on this perceived responsibility', the photographs' 'exploration resides in the sublime metaphorical space from where balance has been disrupted to the definitive point of no return. It asks the question of what it means to resist the struggle, to simply let go. Or what are the consequences of holding on?'

I think they're stunning. Can't wait for them to travel over here so I can see them 4 Real.

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